Boston, Massachusetts

New England Conservatory

Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1200 (1950) in New England Conservatory (Boston, MA)
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1200 (1950) in New England Conservatory (Boston, MA)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1949
   Opus:        1200
No. manuals:    2
No. stops:      25
No. ranks:      8
No. pipes:      596
         HAUPTWERK                     POSITIV                       PEDAL
      8' Prinzipal       B          8' Bordon          A         16' Bordon          A
      8' Bordon          A          4' Prestant        B          8' Flöte           B
      4' Prinzipal       B          4' Gemshorn        C          8' Bordon          A
      4' Flöte           A      2 2/3' Nasat           A          4' Super Octave    B
  2 2/3' Quint           C          2' Gemshorn        C          4' Gemshorn        C
      2' Super Octave    B      1 3/5' Terz            D        III  Mixture         E
    III  Grave Mixture   E          1' Sifflöte        A          8' Trompete        F
      8' Trompete        F        III  Scharf          E
      4' Clarion         F          8' Trompete        F
                              A  Bordon          109 pipes
                              B  Prinzipal        85 pipes
                              C  Gemshorn         73 pipes
                              D  Terz (TC)        37 pipes
                              E  Mixture III     219 pipes
                              F  Trompete         73 pipes

Source: Allen Kinzey

Photo Source: Neal Campbell

Notes: This organ was originally built as a showpiece for the 1950 AGO convention. Upon installation in the New England Conservatory several ranks were replaced. The copper Bourdon and the hooded Trumpet were incorporated into the organ in St. Paul's Cathedral, Boston (Op. 1207). The Principal was installed in the Great division in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (Op. 150A) in New York City. A Quintaten was substituted for the Principal on the practice instrument and a softer Bourdon was provided.

The organ was removed after a few years and sold to Harley Piltingsrud in Cincinnati, OH. He restored the instrument to its original specification but retained the Quintade and added a 16' octave to the Trumpet.

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