Brooklyn, New York

St. Brigid's Catholic Church

St. Brigid Catholic Church (Brooklyn, NY)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1948
   Opus:        1146
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      -
No. ranks:      -
No. pipes:      -

The contract involved a new three-manual console; releathering and cleaning; all flue pipes from 4'C up and all reed pipes revoiced at the factory; new Great mixture and chest; Pedal 4' Clarion extension to be added.


                GREAT ORGAN                          SWELL ORGAN
            16' Diapason                         16' Bourdon
             8' First Diapason                    8' Diapason
             8' Second Diapason                   8' Gedeckt
             8' Gross Flute                       8' Melodia
             8' Clarabella                        8' Viole d'Orchestre
             8' Dulciana                          8' Voix Celeste
             8' Violin                            8' Aeoline
             4' Octave                            8' Unda Maris
             4' Violin                            4' Principal
         2 2/3' Twelfth                           4' Wald Flute
             2' Super Octave                      2' Flautina
            IV  Mixture                           8' Cornopean
             8' Tuba                              8' Vox Humana
             4' Clarion                              Tremolo
                                                     PEDAL ORGAN
                CHOIR ORGAN                      32' Resultant
             8' Diapason                         16' Diapason
             8' Keraulophone                     16' Bourdon
             8' Gedeckt                          16' Lieblich Gedeckt
             8' Flute                             8' Principal
             8' Dolce                             8' Flute
             8' Unda Maris                        8' Cello
             8' Gamba                            16' Trombone
             4' Octave                            8' Trumpet
             4' Harmonic Flute                    4' Clarion
             4' Violin                               Chimes
             2' Fifteenth
             2' Piccolo
             8' Clarinet

Stoplist & Photo Source: Paul Eschenauer

Organ Historical Society Database: