Rutland, Vermont

Grace Congregational Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:  1946
Install Year:   1949
Opus:           1506
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      41
No. ranks:      45
No. pipes:      2,598
                GREAT ORGAN                           SWELL ORGAN
            16' Quintaton            61            8' Geigen Principal     68
             8' Principal            61            8' Rohrflöte            68
             8' Bourdon              61            8' Viole de Gambe       68
             8' Spitzflöte           61            8' Gambe Celeste        68
             4' Octave               61            8' Flauto Dolce         68
             4' Rohrflöte            61            8' Flute Celeste (TC)   56
         2 2/3' Quint                61            4' Prestant             68
             2' Super Octave         61            4' Flute Harmonique     68
            IV  Fourniture          244          III  Plein Jeu           183
                Chimes                            16' Contre Hautbois      68
                                                   8' Trompette            68
                CHOIR ORGAN                        4' Clairon              68
             8' Viola                68               Tremulant
             8' Viola Celeste        68
             8' Nachthorn            68               PEDAL ORGAN
             4' Gemshorn             68           16' Contre Basse         32
             4' Koppelflöte          68           16' Bourdon              32
         2 2/3' Nazard               61           16' Quintaton            GT
             2' Blockflöte           61           16' Echo Lieblich        12 SW
         1 3/5' Tierce               61            8' Principal            32
             8' Krummhorn            68            8' Flute Ouverte        32
                Tremulant                          4' Choralbass           32
                                                  IV  Mixture             128
                                                  16' Bombarde             32
                                                   8' Trompette            12
                                                   4' Clairon              12

Sources: The Diapason (June 1949) and the internet

Organ Historical Society Database: