Nashville, Tennessee

First Presbyterian Church

First (Downtown) Presbyterian Church (Nashville, TN)
Aeolian-Skinner console, Op. 1061 (1945) in First (Downtown) Presbyterian Church (Nashville, TN)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1945
   Opus:        1061
No. manuals:    3

The contract was for a new console only
for the existing Austin Op. 443 of 1911.
                GREAT ORGAN                           SWELL ORGAN
            16' Major Diapason                    16' Bourdon
             8' Principal Diapason                 8' Diapason Phonon
             8' Small Diapason                     8' Horn Diapason
             8' Gross Flute                        8' Stopped Flute
             4' Octave                             8' Viole d'Orchestre
             8' Harmonic Tuba                      8' Viole Celeste
                Chimes                             8' Echo Salicional
                                                   4' Flauto Traverso
                CHOIR ORGAN                       16' Contra Fagotto
             8' Geigen Principal                   8' Cornopean
             8' Concert Flute                      8' Oboe
             8' Quintadena                            Tremolo
             8' Dulciana
             4' Flute d'Amour                         PEDAL ORGAN
             2' Harmonic Piccolo                  16' Open Diapason
             8' Clarinet                          16' Bourdon
                Tremolo                           16' Violone
                                                  16' Lieblich Gedeckt
                ECHO ORGAN                         8' Gross Flute
             8' Violoncello                        8' Violoncello
             8' Flauto Dolce                      16' Harmonic Tuba
             8' Unda Maris                        16' Contra Fagotto
             8' Vox Humana

Source: Melvin Potts

Photos 1 & 2 Source: Patrick Parris

Notes: When the congregation moved to the suburbs and a new Casavant in 1958, the remaining members became the Downtown Presbyterian Church. The church is well-known for its Egyptian Revival architecture and colorful interior.

Organ Historical Society Database: