New Britain, Connecticut

St. Andrew's Catholic Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1942
   Opus:        1040
No. manuals:    2
No. stops:      16
No. ranks:      18
No. pipes:      1,112
The contract was for revoicing of the existing Estey, with two new stops.


                GREAT ORGAN
            16' Lieblich           61
             8' Diapason           61
             8' Doppelflöte        61
             8' Dulciana           61
             4' Gemshorn           61
            II  Rauschquinte      122
                SWELL ORGAN
             8' Violin Diapason    73
             8' Stopped Flute      73
             8' Dolce              73
             4' Flute Harmonique   73
           III  Cornet            183
             8' Trompette          73
             8' Vox Humana         73
                PEDAL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon            32
            16' Lieblich           GT
             8' Cello              32

Source: Allen Kinzey

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