New York City, New York

Hunter College – Auditorium

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1940
   Opus:        1005
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      62
No. ranks:      66
No. pipes:      3,925


             GREAT ORGAN (all new)                   SWELL ORGAN
         16' Quintaton           61              16' Bourdon             73
          8' Principal           61               8' Diapason            73
          8' Diapason            61 a             8' Gedeckt             73
          8' Bourdon             61 a             8' Voix Celeste II    146
          8' Spitzflöte          61               8' Aeoline             73
          8' Concert Flute       CH               8' Unda Maris (TC)     61
          4' Principal           61               8' Flauto Dolce        73
          4' Rohrflöte           61               8' Flute Celeste (TC)  61
      2 2/3' Quint               61               4' Octave              73
          2' Super Octave        61               4' Flute               73
         IV  Fourniture         244               2' Fifteenth           61 (new)
        III  Cymbale            183             III  Mixture            183
          8' Trumpet             61              16' Fagotto             73
          8' Tuba                CH               8' Trumpet             73
          8' French Horn         CH               8' Corno d'Amore       73
             Chimes                               4' Clarion             73
          8' Harp (TC)           CH                  Tremolo
          4' Celesta             CH
                                                     PEDAL ORGAN
             CHOIR-SOLO ORGAN                    16' Contre Basse        32
          8' Diapason            73              16' Violone             32 (old Gamba)
          8' Cello               73              16' Bourdon             32
          8' Concert Flute       73              16' Sub Bass            32 a
          8' Voix Celeste II    146              16' Echo Lieblich       SW
          8' Dulciana            73 (1-12 new)    8' Principal           32 (new)
          4' Gemshorn            73 (new)         8' Gedeckt             32 (new)
          4' Chimney Flute       73 (old 8')      8' Still Gedeckt       SW
      2 2/3' Nazard              61               4' Principal           32 (new)
          2' Piccolo             61               4' Nachthorn           32 (new)
      1 3/5' Tierce              61 (new)        IV  Mixture            128 (new)
         16' Bassoon             61              32' Contra Trombone     12 b
          8' French Horn         61              16' Trombone            32
          8' English Horn        61               8' Tromba              12
          8' Orchestral Oboe     61
          8' Clarinet            61
          8' Tuba                61
          8' Harp (TC)           --               a  Added as 1005-A in 1946
          4' Celesta             61 bars          b  Added as 1005-B in 1947

Source: Allen Kinzey and Ray Correll

Notes: The organ was a rebuild and enlargement of 1922 Skinner Op. 349, formerly located in Skinner's New York studio.

Organ Historical Society Database: