Denver, Colorado

St. Philomela's Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1940 / 1947
   Opus:        1000 / 1000-A
No. manuals:    2
No. stops:      10
No. ranks:      9
No. pipes:      580


                GREAT ORGAN
             8' Open Diapason       61
             8' Dulciana            61
             4' Gemshorn            61
                SWELL ORGAN
             8' Gedeckt             73
             8' Salicional          73
             8' Voix Celeste (TC)   61
             4' Harmonic Flute      73
             8' Trumpet             73  (Op. 1000-A, 1947)
                PEDAL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon             32
             8' Gedeckt             12

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The parish merged with St. John the Evangelist in 1981 to become Good Shepherd Parish. In 1987, the organ was moved to St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Boulder, Colorado.

Organ Historical Society Database: