Princeton, New Jersey

Westminster Choir College

"The Praetorius Organ" - Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 981 (1938) in Westminster Choir College (Princeton, NJ)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1938
   Opus:        981
No. manuals:    2
No. stops:      15
No. ranks:      15
No. pipes:      804


             8' Gedackt             56
             4' Spitzflöte          56
             2' Principal           56
           III  Scharf             168
             8' Krummhorn           56
             8' Quintadena          56
             4' Rohrflöte           56
             2' Nachthorn           56
             1' Sifflöte            56
            II  Sesquialtera       112
             I  Zimbel              pf
            16' Bourdon             32
             8' Gedacktpommer       12
             4' Koppelflöte         32
             8' Krummhorn           HW
             4' Krummhorn           HW

Source: Jonathan Bowen, with further information by Allen Kinzey

Notes: Known as "The Praetorius Organ," the organ, according to the OHS OPUS LIST, used recycled chests from EMS Op. 275 and the old console from the Aeolian Studio in New York City. It was later relocated on the campus. Jonathan reports that it was in very poor condition by the late 1980s and that, by 2004, the organ was unplayable and the pedalboard removed.

Organ Historical Society Database: