Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Curtis Institute of Music – Casimir Hall

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1937
   Opus:        958
No. manuals:    5
No. stops:      12
No. ranks:      16
No. pipes:      959


This contract was for a new 5-manual console, the addition of a Positiv division and the addition of a Pedal 32' Fagotto unit.

             8' Principal          61
             8' Rohrflöte          61
             4' Principl           61
             4' Koppelflöte        61
         2 2/3' Nasard             61
             2' Blockflöte         61
         1 3/5' Tierce             61
             1' Sifflöte           61
            IV  Scharf            244
           III  Zimbel            183

            32' Contra Fagotto     12
            16' Fagotto            32

Source: Allen Kinzey

Photo Source: The American Organist (Jan. 1942)

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