Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Christ Church, Episcopal

Christ Church, Episcopal (Philadelphia, PA)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1934
   Opus:        926
No. manuals:    4
No. ranks:      121


                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Gamba                               16' Bourdon
             8' First Diapason                       8' Diapason
             8' Second Diapason                      8' Horn Diapason
             8' Geigen                               8' Violin Diapason
             8' Viola                                8' Quintadena
             8' Gemshorn                             8' Gedeckt
             8' Doppel Flute                         8' Viol d'Orchestre
             8' Gross Flute                          8' Viol d'Orchestre Celeste
             8' Flauto Traverso                      8' Viole Celeste
             4' Octave                               8' Voix Celeste
             4' Flute d'Amour                        8' Dolcissimo
         2 2/3' Twelfth                              8' Unda Maris
             2' Fifteenth                            8' Flauto Dolce
            IV  Mixture                              8' Flute Celeste
            16' Euphone                              4' Octave
             8' Trumpet                              4' Harmonic Flute
                Tremolo                              4' Salicet
                Chimes                           2 2/3' Nazard
            16' Tuba (Solo)                          2' Flautino
             8' Tuba (Solo)                          V  Mixture
             4' Tuba (Solo)                         16' Bassoon
                                                     8' Cornopean
                CHOIR ORGAN                          8' Oboe
            16' Bourdon                              8' Vox Humana I
             8' Diapason                             8' Vox Humana II
             8' Violin Diapason                         Tremolo
             8' Flauto Primo
             8' Stopped Diapason                        SOLO ORGAN
             8' Melodia                              8' Gamba
             8' Salicional                           8' Gamba Celeste
             8' Voix Celeste                         4' Flute Octaviante
             8' Viol de Gamba                        8' French Horn
             8' Viola                                8' English Horn
             8' Dulciana                                Tremolo
             8' Aeoline                                 Chimes
             4' Gemshorn                            16' Tuba
             4' Hohl Flute                           8' Tuba 12
             4' Flute Harmonique                     4' Tuba 12
             2' Flageolette
             V  Mixture                                 PEDAL ORGAN
            16' Fagotto                             32' Diapason
             8' Saxophone                           16' Diapason
             8' Clarinet                            16' Bourdon
             8' Oboe                                16' Violone
             8' Trumpet                             16' Dulciana
             8' Vox Humana                          16' Antiphonal Gedeckt
             4' Clarion                             16' Antiphonal Bourdon
                Tremolo                             16' Echo Lieblich
                Harp                                 8' Flute
                Chimes                               8' Antiphonal Cello
                                                    16' Trombone
                                                    16' Fagotto
                                                    16' Tuba
                                                     8' Tuba
                                                     4' Tuba

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: Established as the first Anglican parish in Pennsylvania, the present building was completed in 1744. For 102 years the 196-foot steeple was the tallest structure in North America. Worshipers in the present building included Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Betsy Ross and some members of William Penn's family. The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States was founded at Christ Church in 1789.
The first organ was an organ built in Prussia and moved into the new church. It was replaced in 1766 by a Philip Feyring organ of 27 stops. It served until a 3-manual Henry Erben was installed in 1837. J.C.B. Standridge may have rebuilt the organ around 1908, with a major reconstruction taking place around 1921. The church housed a Haskell organ in 1926.
The organ now in Christ Church was built by the Aeolian Co. in 1916 as Op. 1374 for the Wyncote, PA residence of Cyrus H. K. Curtis; it was donated to Christ Church in 1934 by daughter Mary Louise Curtis Bok and rebuilt under the supervision of E. M. Skinner as Aeolian-Skinner Op. 926, utilizing the Erben case. The old Aeolian Echo division became the Choir division at Christ Church and was installed over the chancel. A new Austin console was installed as part of a renovation by Brantley Duddy in 1971.

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