New York, NY
The Frick Collection

Builder:		Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
  Year:			1934
  Opus:			918
No. manuals:		4
No. stops:		70
No. ranks:		79


The contract was for the renovation and enlargement of Aeolian Op. 1263 and a duplicate 4-manual console.
	8'	Diapason FF		61
	8'	Diapason F		61
	8'	Flute F			61
	8'	Flute P			61
	8'	String F		61
	8'	String MF		61
	4'	Diapason High		61
	4'	Flute High		61
	2'	Diapason Acute		61
	IV	Mixture			244
	16'	Trumpet Deep		61
	8'	Trumpet F		61
		Celesta				(918 added this stop by adding 12 tones)
Choir (Shades on Great expression shoe)
	16'	String Deep		61
	8'	Diapason F		61
	8'	Flute F			61
	8'	Flute P			61
	8'	Flute			73	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	8'	Flute Vibrato		61  tc	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	8'	Flute Quintadena	61
	8'	String MF		61
	8'	String MF Vibrato	61
	4'	Flute High		61
	2 2/3'	Nazard			61	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	2'	Piccolo Acute		61
	1 3/5'	Tierce			61	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	8'	Orchestral Oboe		61
	8'	Clarinet		61
		Celesta				(918 added this stop)
	16'	Flute Deep		73
	8'	Diapason F		73
	8'	Flute F			73
	8'	Flute P			73
	8'	Flute P Vibrato II	134	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	8'	String F		73
	8'	String F Vibrato	49  tc
	8'	String MF		73
	8'	String MF Vibrato	49  tc
	8'	String P		73
	8'	String P		49  tc
	4'	Flute High		61
	2'	Flageolet		61
	V	String Mixture		305
	16'	Bassoon Deep		73
	8'	Trumpet F		73
	8'	Oboe F			73
	8'	Vox Humana P		73
	4'	Clarion			73	(918 - new pipes in place of Vox Humana F)
	8'	Diapason		61
	8'	Flute			61
	8'	String Vibrato II	122
	4'	Flute High		61
	III-IV	Diapason Mixture	232
	8'	Trumpet			61
	8'	French Horn		61	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	8'	English Horn		61	(918 - new pipes and chest)
	8'	Clarinet		61
		Celesta				(918 added this stop)
	16'	Deep Flute		61
	8'	Diapason		61
	8'	Flute			61
	8'	String P		61
	8'	String P Vibrato	61
	8'	Vox Humana		61
Pedal (918 added 2-note extensions for all ranks)
	32'	Resultant		--	(918 added stop and switching)
	16'	Diapason Deep		32
	16'	Flute F			32
	16'	Flute P			SW
	16'	String F		32
	16'	String P		32
	8'	Flute			32
	8'	String F		32
	16'	Trumpet Deep		32
	16'	Bassoon P		SW

 Allen Kinzey

Photo Source: NYC AGO Chapter website

Aeolian-Skinner Archives