Schenectady, New York

St. George's Episcopal Church

St. George's Episcopal Church (Schenectady, NY)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1952
   Opus:        868-A
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      30
No. ranks:      34
No. pipes:      2,176
                GREAT ORGAN (6" wind)               SWELL ORGAN (5" wind)
            16' Quintaton           61 c        16' Bourdon             73
             8' Diapason            61           8' Diapason            73
             8' Flute Harmonique    61           8' Rohrflöte           73
             8' Erzähler            61           8' Salicional          73
             4' Octave              61           8' Voix Celeste        73
            IV  Mixtur             244 a         8' Aeoline             73
                                                 4' Flute Triangulaire  73
                CHOIR ORGAN (5" wind)          III  Mixture            183
             8' Gedeckt             73 c         8' Trumpet             73
             8' Dulciana            73           8' Flugel Horn         73
             4' Principal           73 a            Tremolo
             4' Flute               73
            II  Sesquialtera       122 a            PEDAL ORGAN (6" wind)
           III  Plein Jeu          183 a        16' Contre Basse        32
             8' Clarinet            73          16' Bourdon             32
                Tremolo                         16' Echo Lieblich       SW
                                                 8' Octave              12
                                                 8' Gedeckt             12
                                                 8' Still Gedeckt       SW
                                                16' Posaune             32 a
             a  Opus 828-A addition
             c  Opus 828-A change

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: Replaced by 3/45 Moller Op. 11593 in 1982; acquired in 1981 by Thomas M. Fierro, Director of Music at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Bronx, N.Y., and installed there by Mr. Fierro and members of the parish.

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