Cleveland, Ohio

Church of the Covenant, Presbyterian

Church of the Covenant (Cleveland, OH)
Church of the Covenant (Cleveland, OH)
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 844-A (1959) in Church of the Covenant (Cleveland, OH)
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 844-A (1959) in Church of the Covenant (Cleveland, OH)
Gallery Console of Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 844-A (1959) in Church of the Covenant (Cleveland, OH)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1959
   Opus:        844-A
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      97
No. ranks:      100
No. pipes:      5,718


            GREAT ORGAN                              SWELL ORGAN
        16' Violone              61              16' Rohrbordun           68
         8' Principal            61               8' Geigenprinzipal      68
         8' Holzgedackt          61               8' Rohrflöte            68
         8' Gemshorn             61               8' Viole de Gambe       68
         8' Cor de Nuit          CH               8' Viole Celeste        68
         8' Spitzviol            CH               8' Flute Conique        68
         4' Octave               61               8' Flute Celeste (TC)   56
         4' Rohrflöte            61               4' Geigenoktav          68
     2 2/3' Twelfth              61               4' Flute Triangulaire   68
         2' Fifteenth            61               2' Octavin              61
        IV  Fourniture          244              IV  Plein Jeu           244
       III  Scharf              183              16' Contre Trompette     68
            Chimes (in SO)       25 tubes         8' Trompette            68
                                                  8' Hautbois             68
            CHOIR ORGAN                           8' Vox Humana           61
         8' Spitzviol            68               4' Clairon              68
         8' Cor de Nuit          68                  Tremulant
         8' Erzähler             68                  Carillon
         8' Erzähler Celeste(tc) 56
         4' Fugara               68                  SOLO ORGAN
         4' Flauto Traverso      68               8' Gamba                61
     2 2/3' Rohrnasat            61               8' Gamba Celeste        61
         2' Blockflöte           61               8' Solo Flute           61
     1 3/5' Terz                 61               4' Flute Harmonique     61
        IV  Mixtur              244               8' English Horn         61
        16' Dulzian              68               8' French Horn          61
         8' Krummhorn            68               8' Corno di Bassetto    61
         4' Rohrschalmei         68                  Tremulant
            Tremulant                             8' Trompette Harmonique 68
         8' Harp (TC)            --
         4' Celesta              61 bars             PEDAL ORGAN
                                                 32' Bourdon              32
            POSITIV ORGAN                        16' Contra Basse         32
         8' Spitzflöte           61              16' Bourdon              12
         8' Nason Flute          61              16' Violone              GT
         4' Praestant            61              16' Rohrbordun           SW
         4' Koppelflöte          61          10 2/3' Quint             GalGT
         2' Kleinprinzipal       61               8' Octave               32
     1 1/3' Larigot              61               8' Bourdon              12
         1' Sifflöte             61               8' Violone              GT
     III-V  Cymbel              221               8' Rohrbordun           SW
            Tremulant                             4' Choralbass           32
            Zimbelstern (in SO)                   4' Nachthorn            32
                                                  2' Blockflöte           32
            GALLERY GREAT ORGAN                  IV  Mixture             128
        16' Quintaten            61              32' Bombarde             32
         8' Principal            61              16' Bombarde             12
         8' Quintaten            12              16' Contre Trompette     SW
         4' Octave               61              16' Dulzian              CH
         2' Fifteenth            61               8' Trompette            12
     III-V  Plein Jeu           215               8' Petite Trompette     SW
                                                  4' Clairon              12
            GALLERY SWELL ORGAN                   4' Rohrschalmei         CH
         8' Cor de Nuit          68                  Chimes               GT
         8' Viola Pomposa        68
         8' Viola Celeste        68                  GALLERY PEDAL ORGAN
         4' Gemshorn             68              16' Lieblich Gedeckt     32
        II  Sesquialtera        122              16' Quintaten            GT
         8' Fagotto              68               8' Spitzprinzipal       32
            Tremulant                             8' Quintaten            GT
         8' Trumpet (unenclosed) 61               4' Choralbass           12

Notes: A new four-manual draw knob console was built and installed in 1996 by Holtkamp.

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