Concord, New Hampshire

St. Paul's School — Chapel of SS. Peter and Paul

Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 825-A (1953) at St. Paul's School (Concord, NH)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1953
   Opus:        825-A
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      63
No. ranks:      69
No. pipes:      4,116


           GREAT ORGAN                               SOLO-ANTIPHONAL ORGAN
       16' Quintaton             61               8' Gedecktpommer         61
        8' Principal             61               4' Principal             61
        8' Bourdon               61           III-V  Mixture              209
        8' Gemshorn              61               8' French Horn (in SW)   61
        4' Octave                61                  French Horn Tremulant
        4' Flute Harmonique      61               8' Trompette en Chamade  GT
    2 2/3' Twelfth               61
        2' Fifteenth             61                  POSITIV ORGAN
      III  Fourniture           183               8' Singendgedeckt        56
      III  Scharf               183               4' Koppelfl�te           56
        8' Trompette en Chamade  61               2' Italian Principal     56
        4' Clairon en Chamade    12           1 3/5' Terz                  56
                                              1 1/3' Larigot               56
           SWELL ORGAN                          III  Zimbel               168
       16' Bourdon               68                  Tremulant
        8' Geigen                68
        8' Gedeckt               68                  PEDAL ORGAN
        8' Salicional            68              32' Resultant             --
        8' Voix Celeste          68              16' Principal             32
        8' Flute Celeste II     124              16' Bourdon               32
        8' Echo Gamba            68              16' Violone               32
        4' Prestant              68              16' Echo Lieblich         SW
        4' Flute Triangulaire    68               8' Octave                12
        2' Octavin               61               8' Gedeckt               12
       IV  Plein Jeu            244               8' Still Gedeckt         SW
       16' Fagot                 68               4' Choralbass            32
        8' Trompette             68             III  Fourniture            96
        8' Oboe                  68              32' Contra Fagot          12 SW
        8' Vox Humana            68              16' Posaune               32
        4' Clairon               68              16' Fagot                 SW
           Tremulant                              8' Trumpet               12
                                                  4' Clarion               12
           CHOIR ORGAN
        8' Concert Flute         68
        8' Viola Pomposa         68
        8' Viola Celeste         68
        8' Dulciana              68
        4' Flute                 68
        2' Piccolo               61
       II  Sesquialtera         122
        8' Clarinet              68
        8' English Horn          68
        8' Harp (TC)             --
        4' Celesta               61 bars

Source: Allen Kinzey

Photo Source: Jim Lewis

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