Detroit, Michigan

Trinity Lutheran Church

Skinner organ, Op. 808 (1929) in Trinity Lutheran Church (Detroit, MI)
Trinity Lutheran Church (Detroit, MI)
Trinity Lutheran Church (Detroit, MI)
Builder:         Skinner Organ Company
   Year:         1929
   Opus:         808

No. manuals: 3 No. stops: 31 No. ranks: 31 No. pipes: 2,114


            GREAT ORGAN                              SWELL ORGAN
        16' Bourdon               5 PED           8' Diapason             73
         8' Diapason             61               8' Rohrflöte            73
         8' Flute Harmonique     61               8' Salicional           73
         4' Octave               61               8' Voix Celeste         73
        II  Grave Mixture       122               8' Aeoline              73
                                                  4' Octave               73
            CHOIR ORGAN                           4' Flute Triangulaire   73
         8' Cello                73             III  Mixture             183
         8' Concert Flute        73               8' Trumpet              73
         8' Dulciana             73               8' Flügel Horn          73
         8' Unda Maris           61 tc            8' Vox Humana           73
         4' Flute                73                  Tremolo
         8' Corno di Bassetto    73
            Tremolo                                  PEDAL ORGAN
                                                 16' Diapason             32
            ECHO-ANTIPHONAL ORGAN                16' Bourdon              32
         8' Diapason             73               8' Octave               12
         8' Fernflöte            73               8' Gedeckt              12
         8' Vox Angelica II     146               4' Flute                12
         8' Tuba                 73

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ was installed in 1929 at a cost of $18,000. It is extant and unaltered. The congregation is very aware that it has an historic instrument and treats it very well.

Our thanks for Karl Osterland, music director of Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, and Robert L. Walton, Dau History Library at Historic Trinity Lutheran Church, for providing the stop list and other information.

The excellent church website is at

Organ Historical Society Database: