Washington, District of Columbia

Constitution Hall

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1929
   Opus:        757
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      44
No. ranks:      40
No. pipes:      2,629
                GREAT ORGAN (6" wind)                     SWELL ORGAN (7 1/2" wind)
            16' Bourdon               17 PED           8' Diapason              73
             8' First Diapason        61               8' Rohrflöte             73
             8' Second Diapason       61               8' Salicional            73
             8' Flute Harmonique      61               8' Voix Celeste          73
             4' Principal             61               8' Viol d'Orchestre II  146
             4' Flute                 61               4' Octave                73
           III  Mixture              183               4' Flute Triangulaire    73
             8' Tromba                61               V  Mixture              305
             4' Clarion               61              16' Waldhorn              73
                Chimes                25 tubes         8' Trumpet               73
                                                       8' Oboe d'Amore          73
                CHOIR ORGAN (7 1/2" wind)              8' Vox Humana            73
             8' Cello                 73               4' Clarion               73
             8' Orchestral Flute      73                  Tremolo
             8' Kleine Erzähler II   134
             4' Flute                 73                  PEDAL ORGAN (6" wind)
             2' Concert Piccolo       61              32' Resultant             --
             8' Tuba Mirabilis        73 (20" wind)   16' Diapason              32
             8' Corno di Bassetto     73              16' Contra Bass           32
                Tremolo                               16' Bourdon               32
             8' Harp (TC)             --               8' Octave                12
             4' Celesta               61 bars          8' Gedeckt               12
                                                       8' Cello                 12
                TRAPS                                  4' Super Octave          12
                Snare Drum - roll and stroke           4' Flute                 12
                Tympani                               16' Trombone              32
                Bass Drum                              8' Tromba                12
                                                          Chimes                GT

Source: Allen Kinzey

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=23543