New Rochelle, New York

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1928
   Opus:        753
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      27
No. ranks:      26
No. pipes:      1,737


             GREAT ORGAN                            SWELL ORGAN
         16' Bourdon            17 PED           8' Diapason           73
          8' First Diapason     61               8' Rohr Flute         73
          8' Second Diapason    61               8' Salicional         73
          8' Clarabella         61               8' Voix Celeste       73
          4' Principal          61               8' Flute Celeste II  134
         II  Grave Mixture     122               4' Octave             73
          8' Tuba               61 *           III  Mixture           183
             * enclosed in Choir                16' Contra Oboe        73
                                                 8' Trumpet            73
             CHOIR ORGAN                         8' Oboe               73
          8' Gamba              73               8' Vox Humana         73
          8' Concert Flute      73                  Tremolo
          8' Dulciana           73
          4' Flute              73                  PEDAL ORGAN
          8' Clarinet           73              16' Contra Bass        32
             Tremolo                            16' Bourdon            32
             Harp               pf               8' Octave             12
             Celesta            pf               8' Gedeckt            12
                                                16' Trombone           pf
                                                16' Contra Oboe        SW
                                                 8' Tromba             pf


Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: This stop list is taken from the announcement in the November 1992 issue of The American Organist about the organ's relocation to St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Norwalk, Conn., and enlargement by John Randolph Pipe Organs of Brooklyn. The stop list had asterisks next to new pipe work, so the stop list given above lists the "non-asterisked" items.

The organ was rebuilt and enlarged by Reuter in 2006, retaining 25 of the 26 ranks, as well as a Great Mixture that came from Op. 860 (Ascension, NYC); the organ now has 53 ranks. A case in the style of the building's architecture was added.

External Link 1:

External Link 2:

Organ Historical Society Database: