Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Christ Church, Episcopal

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1938
   Opus:        743
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      43 (+11 stops from existing Echo)
No. ranks:      38 (+10 ranks from existing Echo)
No. pipes:      2,527


             GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
         16' Bourdon             17 PED          16' Bourdon             73
          8' First Diapason      61               8' Diapason            73
          8' Violin Diapason     61               8' Rohrflöte           73
          8' Flute Harmonic      61               8' Salicional          73
          4' Principal           61               8' Voix Celeste        73
          4' Flute               61               8' Aeoline             73
         II  Grave Mixture      122               8' Flauto Dolce        73
          8' Tuba                61 (in CH)       8' Flute Celeste (TC)  61
             Chimes              SO               4' Octave              73
                                                  4' Flute Triangulaire  73
             CHOIR ORGAN                        III  Mixture            183
          8' Geigen Principal    73              16' Waldhorn            73
          8' Melodia             73               8' Trumpet             73
          8' Erzähler            73               8' Oboe d'Amour        73
          8' Erzähler Celeste    73               8' Vox Humana          73
          8' Dulciana            73               4' Clarion             73
          8' Unda Maris (TC)     61                  Tremolo
          4' Flute d'Amour       73
          2' Piccolo             61                  PEDAL ORGAN
          8' Corno di Bassetto   73              16' Diapason            32
          8' French Horn         73              16' Bourdon             32
             Tremolo                             16' Echo Lieblich       SW
                                             10 2/3' Quint               EC
             ECHO ORGAN (as is)                   8' Octave              12
         16' Bourdon Bass                         8' Gedeckt             12
          8' Diapason                             4' Super Octave        12
          8' Melodia                             16' Trombone            32
          8' Echo Flute                          16' Waldhorn            SW
          8' Flute Celeste
          8' Viol d'Orchestre                        ECHO PEDAL
          8' Viol Celeste                        16' Bourdon
          8' Muted Viole                         16' Soft Bourdon
          8' Vox Humana

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ was rebuilt by Möller as Op. R-669 in 1961 and 1963, enlarged to 64 ranks with a new three-manual console; additions included Antiphonal and Positiv divisions. It was rebuilt by Kinzey-Angerstein as Op. R10 in 1976. The Skinner chassis and some pipework remain; the organ now has 67 ranks.

Organ Historical Society Database: