Kalamazoo, Michigan

First Methodist Church

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1928
   Opus:        710
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      30
No. ranks:      29
No. pipes:      1,859


             GREAT ORGAN                            SWELL ORGAN
         16' Bourdon             17 PED          8' Diapason            73
          8' First Diapason      61              8' Rohr Flute          73
          8' Second Diapason     61              8' Salicional          73
          8' Principal Flute     61              8' Voix Celeste        73
          8' Rohr Flute          SW              8' Flute Celeste II   134
          8' Flute Celeste       SW              4' Octave              73
          4' Octave              61              4' Flute Triangulaire  73
          8' Tromba              61              V  Mixture            305
                                                16' Contra Oboe         73
             CHOIR ORGAN                         8' Trumpet             73
          8' Concert Flute       73              8' Oboe                73
          8' Gamba               73              8' Vox Humana          61
          4' Flute               73              4' Clarion             73
          8' Clarinet            61                 Tremolo
          8' Harp (TC)           --                 PEDAL ORGAN
          4' Celesta             61 bars        16' Contra Bass         32
                                                16' Bourdon             32
                                                 8' Octave              12
                                                 8' Gedeckt             12
                                                16' Contra Oboe         SW

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ was first used on Sunday, March 21, 1929; the building, replacing one destroyed by fire on March 13, 1926, had been completed the year before.  Around 1960, organ was rebuilt by C. V. Bardon, Inc.; the work included a new console and 'electronic chimes.'  The organ was replaced by 3/50 Orgues Letourneau Op. 51 in 1998, retaining only two Pedal ranks of the Skinner.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=23472