New York City, New York

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Washington Heights

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1927
   Opus:        678
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      26
No. ranks:      19
No. pipes:      1,310


                         GREAT                                   SWELL
                      8' First Diapason      61              16' Bourdon             73
                      8' Second Diapason     SW               8' Diapason            73
                      8' Rohrflute           SW               8' Rohrflute           73
                      4' Principal           61               8' Salicional          73
                      4' Flute Triangulaire  SW               8' Voix Celeste        61 tc
                      8' Cornopean           SW               8' Flauto Dolce        73
                                                              8' Flute Celeste       61 tc
                         CHOIR                                8' Aeoline             73
                      8' Concert Flute       73               4' Flute Triangulaire  73
                      8' Dulciana            73               8' Cornopean           73
                      4' Flute               73               8' Oboe d'Amour        73
                      8' Clarinet            73               8' Vox Humana          73
                         Tremolo                                 Tremolo
                     16' Bourdon             32
                     16' Echo Bourdon        SW
                      8' Gedeckt             12
                      8' Still Gedeckt       SW

Sources: Stop list from factory chamber layout drawings from the papers of Charles Scharpenger. Courtesy Larry Trupiano.

Organ Historical Society Database: