Miami, Florida

First Church of Christ, Scientist

First Church of Christ, Scientist (Miama, FL)
Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1925
   Opus:        532

No. manuals: 4 No. stops: 36 No. ranks: 34 No. pipes: 2,297 GREAT ORGAN (6" wind) SWELL ORGAN (7 1/2" wind) 16' Bourdon 17 PED 16' Bourdon 73
8' Diapason 73 8' Diapason 73
8' Claribel Flute 73 8' Gedeckt 73
8' Erzähler 73 8' Salicional 73
4' Octave 73 8' Voix Celeste 73
Chimes 20 tubes 8' Flauto Dolce 73
8' Flute Celeste (TC) 61
CHOIR ORGAN (6" wind) 4' Octave 73
8' Concert Flute 61 4' Flute Triangulaire 73
8' Dulciana 61 IV Mixture 244
8' Unda Maris (TC) 49 8' Cornopean 73
4' Flute 61 8' Flugel Horn 73
2' Piccolo 61 8' Vox Humana 73
8' Clarinet 61 Tremolo
PEDAL ORGAN (5" wind)
SOLO ORGAN (10" wind) 16' Diapason 32
8' Gamba 73 16' Bourdon 32
8' Gamba Celeste 73 16' Echo Bourdon SW
8' Tuba Mirabilis 73 a 8' Octave 12
8' French Horn 73 8' Gedeckt 12
Tremolo 8' Still Gedeckt SW
                ECHO ORGAN (5" wind)
             8' Quintadena 73
             8' Vox Humana 73
             a  15" wind

Source: Shop Notes, provided by Allen Kinzey.

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