Rochester, New York

St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1936
   Opus:        517-A
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      36
No. ranks:      33
No. pipes:      2,183
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon             17 PED          16' Bourdon             73
             8' First Diapason      61               8' Diapason            73
             8' Second Diapason     61               8' Stopped Flute       73
             8' Claribel Flute      61               8' Salicional          73
             4' Octave              61               8' Voix Celeste        73
                Cathedral Chimes       a             8' Spire Flute         73
                                                     8' Flute Celeste (TC)  61
                CHOIR ORGAN                          4' Traverse Flute      73
             8' Concert Flute       73               2' Piccolo             61
             8' Dulciana            73              IV  Chorus Mixture     244
             4' Flute               73              16' Double Trumpet      pf
             8' French Horn         73               8' Harmonic Trumpet    73
             8' Clarinet            73               8' Oboe                73
             8' Tuba Mirabilis      73               8' Vox Humana          73
                Tremolo                              4' Clarion             73
             8' Harp (TC)           pf                  Tremolo
             4' Celesta             pf
                                                        PEDAL ORGAN
                ECHO ORGAN                          16' Diapason            32
             8' Echo Flute          61 a            16' First Bourdon       32
             8' Viola Atheria       61 a            16' Second Bourdon      SW
             8' Vox Humana          61 a             8' Octave              12
                Tremolo                a             8' Octave Bourdon      12
                                                     8' Soft Flute          SW
                                                    16' Trombone            32
                                                     8' Tromba              12
             a  added in 1936 as Op. 517-A

Source: Jonathan Ortloff

Notes: Opus 517 was donated to the church by the Rogers family of Rochester. Located originally in opposite chambers in the choir, it was relocated by Parsons Organ Company to the rear gallery in 1967; the Echo organ was moved to one of the front chambers at the same time. Except for the move, the organ remains mechanically unaltered and tonally unchanged.

Organ Historical Society Database: