Hampton, Virginia

Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute – Ogden Hall

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1922
   Opus:        381
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      47
No. ranks:      25
No. pipes:      1,732
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon             17 PED           8' Cello               73
             8' Diapason (10" wind) 73               8' Gamba Celeste       73
             8' Gedeckt             73               8' Concert Flute       73
             8' Voix Celeste II    146               8' Voix Celeste II    146
             8' Flauto Dolce        73               4' Flute               61
             8' Flute Celeste (TC)  61               2' Piccolo             61
             4' Octave              73               8' Tuba (10" wind)     73
             4' Unda Maris II      122               8' French Horn         GT
             8' Cornopean           73               8' Clarinet            61
             8' French Horn (10")   73               8' English Horn        61
                Tremolo                              8' Flugel Horn         73
             8' Harp (TC)           --               8' Vox Humana          61
             4' Celesta             61 bars             Tremolo
                SOLO ORGAN                              PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Diapason            GT              16' Diapason            32
             8' Gedeckt             GT              16' Bourdon             32
             8' Voix Celeste II     GT              16' Echo Lieblich       GT
             8' Spitz Flute         GT               8' Octave              12
             8' Flute Celeste       GT               8' Gedeckt             12
             4' Octave              GT               8' Still Gedeckt       SW
             4' Unda Maris II       GT
             8' Cornopean           GT                  PLAYER
             8' French Horn         GT                  Ventil
             8' Harp (TC)           GT                  Semi-Automatic
             4' Celesta             GT                  Re-Roll
             8' Cello               SW
             8' Gamba Celeste       SW
             8' Concert Flute       SW
             8' Voix Celeste II     SW
             4' Flute               SW
             2' Piccolo             SW
             8' Tuba                SW
             8' Clarinet            SW
             8' Flugel Horn         SW
             8' English Horn        SW
             8' Vox Humana          SW

Source: Stop, Open and Reed (Skinner Organ Company publication)

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=22670