Pittsburgh, PA
Schenley High School

Builder:		Skinner Organ Co.
  Year:			1922
  Opus:			377
No. manuals:		3
No. stops:		34
No. ranks:		33
No. pipes:		2,243


Great (enclosed in Chamber 1)

	8'	First Diapason		73
	8'	Second Diapason		73
	8'	Grossflote		73
	8'	Erzahler		73
	4'	Octave			73
	8'	Tuba			73
	8'	French Horn		73
		Chimes			EC
Swell (enclosed in Chamber 2)
	16'	Bourdon			73
	8'	Diapason		73
	8'	Rohrflote		73
	8'	Voix Celeste II		134
	8'	Spitzflote		73
	8'	Flute Celeste		73
	4'	Flauto d'Amore		61
	III	Dolce Cornet		183
	16'	English Horn		73
	8'	Cornopean		73
	8'	Oboe			73
		Harp			61 bars
Choir (enclosed in Chamber 1)
	8'	Concert Flute		73
	8'	Viole d'Orchestre	73
	8'	Voix Celeste		73
	4'	Flute Harmonique	73
	2'	Piccolo			61
	8'	English Horn		73
	8'	Clarinet		73
		Harp			SW
		Celesta			SW
Echo (enclosed in Chamber 3)
	8'	Gedeckt			73
	4'	Flute a Cheminee	61
	8'	Vox Humana		73
		Chimes			25 tubes
Pedal (enclosed in Chamber 2)
	16'	Diapason		32
	16'	Bourdon			32
	16'	Gedeckt			SW
	8'	Major Flute		12	(ext. of 16' Diapason)
	8'	Flute			SW
	16'	English Horn		SW


T. Scott Buhrman, the longtime TAO editor who was never hesitant to express himself, said the following of the organ:

"What's the matter with the rest of the country?  Shall the West have all the new High School organs?  Pittsburgh says not.  Among the special details of the Schenley High School organ---

"The entire organ is expressive -- as the organ of the future must be.  The Swell is enriched by a 2-rank Voix Celeste and a 3-rank Dolce Cornet; this [division], it will be noted, has 1 Diapason, 1 String, 3 Flutes and 2 Reeds at 8' pitch--somewhat unusual proportions.  Its percussion is subject to sub and super couplers.  The Echo has but three registers, but note the combinational possibilities.  The Pedal has but two independent registers, but is enriched by a borrowed English Horn, much to its advantage.  There are percussions on every manual."