Buffalo, New York

Central Park Methodist Episcopal Church

Skinner Organ, Op. 356 (1922) in Central Park Methodist Episcopal Church (Buffalo, NY)
Skinner Organ, Op. 356 (1922) in Central Park Methodist Episcopal Church (Buffalo, NY)
Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1922
   Opus:        356
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      65
No. ranks:      56
No. pipes:      3,826


           GREAT ORGAN (7 1/2" wind)                SOLO ORGAN (10" wind)
       16' Bourdon              29 PED           8' Stentorphone         73
        8' Principal Diapason   73               8' Gross Flute          73
        8' Horn Diapason        73               8' Gamba                73
        8' Philomela            73               8' Gamba Celeste        73
        8' Clarabella *         73               8' Heckelphone          73
        8' Erzähler *           73               8' Corno di Bassetto    73
        4' Octave *             61               8' French Horn          73
        4' Harmonic Flute *     61               8' Tuba Mirabilis (20") 73
       16' Tuba Major * (10")   73                  Tremolo
        8' Tuba * (10")         73                  Sub
        4' Clarion * (10")      61                  Super
           Tremolo                                  Celestial Harp       61 bars
           Super                                    ECHO ORGAN (5" wind)
           Cathedral Chimes     EC               8' Gedeckt              73
           Celestial Harp       SO               8' Aeoline              73
                                                 8' Vox Angelica         61 tc
           * in Great expression box             8' Vox Humana           73
           SWELL ORGAN (7 1/2" wind)                Cathedral Chimes     21 bells
       16' Bourdon              73
        8' Open Diapason        73                  PEDAL ORGAN
        8' Stop Diapason        73              32' Resultant            --
        8' Viol d'Orchestre     73              16' Open Diapason        32
        8' Voix Celestes        73              16' Bourdon              32
        8' Salicional           73              16' Gedeckt              SW
        8' Melodia              73              16' Contra Gamba         CH
        8' Spitz Floete         73               8' Major Flute          12
        8' Flute Celeste        61 tc            8' Dolce Flute          SW
        4' Chimney Flute        61               8' Viol                 SW
        4' Gambette             61               8' Gedeckt              SW
      III  Solo Mixture        183              16' Trombone             32
             (12-15-17)                         16' Contra Fagotto       SW
       16' Fagotto              73               8' Tromba               12
        8' Cornopean            73               8' Fagotto              SW
        8' Oboe                 73
        8' Vox Humana           73                  ADJUSTABLE COMBINATIONS
           Tremolo                                  Solo/Echo   1-2-3-4-5-6
           Sub                                      Swell       1-2-3-4-5-6
           Super                                    Great       1-2-3-4-5-6
                                                    Choir       1-2-3-4-5-6
           CHOIR ORGAN (6" wind)                    Pedal       1-2-3-4-5-6
       16' Gamba                73                  Full Organ  1-2-3-4-5-6
        8' English Diapason     73
        8' Concert Flute        73                  REVERSIBLES
        8' Quintadena           73                  Master Swell piston
        8' Dulciana             73                  Sforzando piston & pedal
        8' Unda Maris           61 tc               Great to Pedal Reversible
        4' Traverse Flute       61
    2 2/3' Nazard               61                  Entire Echo Organ and Harp affected
        2' Piccolo              61                    by Solo sub & super couplers
    1 3/5' Tierce               61
    1 1/7' Septieme             61                  When Solo is coupled to another manual
        8' Clarinet             73                    the Echo stops are carried with it
        8' Orchestral Oboe      73
           Tremolo                                  Balanced Great, Swell, Choir & Solo pedals
           Sub                                      Balanced Crescendo Pedal and Solo cancel pedal
           Super                                    Echo shutters operated on Solo shoe on/off switch

Notes: Detached Console. Divided organ.

Organ builder to supply show pipes for the following openings: two openings each 15' wide and 16' high to top of arch; two openings each 3' wide and 5' high to top of arch. Design and decoration of show pipes to suit purchaser. Console to be made of wood to match church interior. Swell boxes to be at least 2" thick and tightly fitted. Cutler Hammer automatic starter with switch at console.

Special thanks to Allen Kinzey for providing the specs.

Photos: The Organ Historical Society and Bill Van Pelt.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=11003