Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Museum of Art

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1930
   Opus:        833-A
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      63
No. ranks:      58
No. pipes:      3,853


           GREAT ORGAN                               SWELL ORGAN
       16' Bourdon                5 PED          16' Bourdon               73
        8' First Diapason        61               8' Diapason              73
        8' Second Diapason       61               8' Gedeckt               73
        8' Diapason              SW               8' Gamba                 73
        8' Clarabella            61               8' Salicional            73
        8' Gamba One             61               8' Voix Celeste          73
        8' Gamba Two             61 (encl)        8' Spitz Flute           73
        8' Voix Celeste II       SW               8' Flute Celeste (TC)    61
        8' Erzähler              61               8' Echo Dulcette II     134
        4' Octave                61               4' Octave                73
        4' Orchestral Flute      61 (encl)        4' Flute                 73
    2 2/3' Quint                 61               2' Flautino              61
        2' Fifteenth             61             III  Mixture              183
       IV  Harmonics            244              16' Contra Posaune        73
      III  Mixture              183 (encl)        8' Trumpet               73
        8' Tuba                  61               8' Flügel Horn           73
        8' Trumpet               SW               8' Vox Humana            73
           Chimes                20 tubes         4' Trumpet               73
        8' Harp                  CH                  Tremolo
        4' Celesta               CH
                                                     PEDAL ORGAN
           CHOIR ORGAN                           32' Resultant             --
       16' Gamba                 73              16' Diapason              32
        8' Diapason              73              16' Bourdon               32
        8' Concert Flute         73              16' Gamba                 CH
        8' Dulciana              73              16' Bourdon               SW
        8' Kleine Erzähler II   146               8' Diapason              12
        4' Flute                 61               8' Bourdon               12
    2 2/3' Nasard                61               8' Gamba Two             GT
        2' Piccolo               61               8' Bourdon               SW
    1 3/5' Tierce                61               4' Bourdon               12
    1 1/3' Larigot               61              16' Trombone              32
       16' Bassoon               73              16' Bassoon               SW
        8' Tuba Mirabilis        73               8' Trombone              12
        8' French Horn           73
        8' Orchestral Oboe       73
        8' Clarinet              73
        8' Harp (TC)             --
        4' Celesta               61 bars
           RÜCKPOSITIV (added by Holtkamp, Job 1580 in 1933)
        8' Bourdon               61
        4' Prestant              61
        4' Flute                 37
    2 2/3' Nasard                61
        2' Doublette             61
    1 3/5' Tierce                37
    1 1/3' Larigot               37
        1' Piccolo               24
      III  Mixture (22-26-29)   183

SourceAllen Kinzey

NotesAccording to an article in The American Organist, the story goes that the museum's first director, Frederic A. Whiting, heard a canary singing in the Interior Garden Court in 1918 and consulted with Ernest M. Skinner, who was so taken with the fine acoustics that he told Charles F. Brush (inventor of the arc lamp) that, if he could afford it, he would lose no time in getting an instrument in there at his own expense. The widow and daughters of P. J. McMyler provided funds in his memory for the installation of Skinner Op. 333 in 1922, as well as a handsome endowment for a Department of Musical Arts.

Acoustical tests using phonographs donated by Thomas Edison had suggested a balcony location, but other considerations placed the organ in the space between the Court and the Rotunda, above the sub-skylight. During the installation, one of Skinner's men survived a fall through the sub-skylight onto the main staircase.

The attic location of the organ proved to be completely unsatisfactory and, in the following year, the instrument was moved to the balcony, where it was opened by Charles Courboin in 1924.

The Holtkamp Organ Co. added a Rückpositiv, Job 1580, in 1933, and subsequently carried out an extensive rebuild, Job 1624, in 1946. In 1971, the organ was moved to the museum's Gartner Auditorium.

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