Asheville, North Carolina

Grove Park Inn

Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1919
   Opus:        295
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      65
No. ranks:      51
No. pipes:      3,245
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon             17 PED          16' Bourdon             73
             8' First Diapason      61               8' Diapason            73
             8' Second Diapason     61               8' Stopped Diapason    73
             8' Stopped Diapason    61               8' Salicional          73
             8' Claribel Flute      SW               8' Voix Celeste        73
             8' Erzähler            61               8' Claribel Flute      73
             8' Flute Celeste II    SW               8' Conical Flute       73
             4' Octave              SW               8' Flute Celeste       73
             4' Flute               SW               4' Octave              73
             8' Cornopean           SW               4' Flute               73
                Tremolo                              4' Celestina II       146   (Unda Maris)
             8' Piano                                2' Flautino            61
             4' Piano                              III  Solo Mixture       183
                3 Blank Knobs                       16' English Horn        73
                                                     8' Trompette           73
                ORCHESTRAL ORGAN                     8' Cornopean           73
            16' Gamba               73               8' Vox Humana          73
             8' Diapason            73                  Tremolo
             8' Concert Flute       73                  4 Blank Knobs
             8' Aeoline             73
             8' Unda Maris          73                  ECHO ORGAN
             8' Dulcet II          146               8' Salicional          73
             4' Flute Harmonique    73               8' Voix Celeste        73
         2 2/3' Nazard              61               4' Flute               73
             8' Clarinet            73               8' Vox Humana          73
             8' Orchestral Oboe     73                  Tremolo
                Tremolo                                 Cathedral Chimes    25 tubes
                Slow Tremolo
                Harmonic Celeste                        PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Harp (TC)           --              32' Gravissima (Resultant)
             4' Celesta             61 bars         16' Sub Bass            32
                3 Blank Knobs                       16' Bourdon             32
                                                    16' Gamba               OR
                SOLO ORGAN                           8' Octave              12
             8' Cello               73               8' Flute               12
             8' Gamba Celeste       73               8' Second Bourdon      GT
             8' Tuba                73               8' Still Flute         SW
             8' French Horn         73               8' Cello               SO
             8' Musette             73              32' Bombarde            32
             8' Heckelphone         73              16' Trombone            12
             8' Clarinet            CH              16' Bassoon             SO
             8' Orchestral Oboe     CH              16' English Horn        SW
                Tremolo                              8' Tromba              12
                Slow Tremolo                        16' Piano
                2 Blank Knobs                        8' Piano

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ was offered for sale in an ad placed in the December 1927 of The Diapason:

"This wonderful instrument – probably the best-known instrument in the United States - was installed only a few years ago and practically new at this time, is offered for immediate delivery. The lease under which the Inn was built expires January 1st next and, because of the death of the owner of the property, the Executors are compelled to sell it. The organ is owned by the operating corporation and therefore will be removed and sold if a suitable purchaser is found.

"Mr. Skinner said at the time that this was the best work he had produced up to then. Courboin and Gleason and Bonnet have played it, and were enraptured by it.  Clarence Dickinson, Yon, Eddy and others of our greatest artists have played it. Palmer Christian was a regular recitalist with us and we are sure will tell any inquirer of its marvelous beauty.

"It is one of Skinner's greatest and most noted works. It is perfect in every detail."

"The price today would be around $65,000 to $75,000. We will consider any offer of half that if a purchaser is found before January 1st so that the instrument will not have to be stored after removal."

The organ was moved to First Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, in 1929, where it utilized the church's Roosevelt Echo. The organ was replaced by Austin Op. 2362, retaining the Echo. Some pipe work from Op. 295 was utilized in Op. 724-A at St. Paul's Church, Chestnut Hill.

The Grove Park Inn has continued to be one of the finest hotels in the South.

Organ Historical Society Database: