Hamilton, New York

Colgate University – Chapel

Builder:         The Ernest M. Skinner Co.
   Year:         1917
   Opus:         276

No. manuals: 3 No. stops: 37 No. ranks: 26 No. pipes: 1,659


            GREAT ORGAN                              SWELL ORGAN
        16' Bourdon             17 PED           16' Bourdon             73
         8' Diapason            61                8' Rohrflöte           73
         8' Philomela          PED                8' Salicional          73
         8' Waldflote           61                8' Voix Celeste        73
         8' Gedeckt             SW                8' Flute Celeste II   134
         8' Spitz Flute         SW                4' Flute               73
         8' Flute Celeste       SW                2' Flautino            61
         4' Octave              61               16' English Horn        73
         4' Flute               SW                8' Cornopean           73
         8' Cornopean           SW                8' Flügel Horn         73
                                                  8' Vox Humana          73
            CHOIR ORGAN                              Tremolo
         8' Diapason            73
         8' Concert Flute       73                   PEDAL ORGAN
         8' Dulcet II          134               32' Contra Bourdon      -- (resultant)
         4' Flute               73               16' Diapason            32
         2' Piccolo Harmonique  61               16' Bourdon             32
         8' Clarinet            73               16' Lieblich Gedeckt    SW
         8' Orchestral Oboe     73                8' Octave              12
         8' French Horn         73                8' Gedeckt             12
            Tremolo                               8' Still Gedeckt       SW
            Celesta             61 bars          16' Horn                SW
            Celesta Sub

Source: The Diapason, June 1917.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=22363