Oberlin, Ohio

Oberlin College — Finney Chapel

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1955
   Opus:        230-A

No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      75
No. ranks:      83
No. pipes:      4,599
                GREAT ORGAN                            SWELL ORGAN
            16' Montre                61           16' Lieblich Gedackt      61
             8' Prinzipal             61            8' Geigen                61
             8' Spitzflöte            61            8' Gedackt               61
             8' Holzgedackt           61            8' Spitzflöte            61
             4' Octave                61            8' Salicional            61
             4' Rohrflöte             61            8' Voix Celeste          61
         2 2/3' Quint                 61            4' Geigen Octave         61
             2' Doublette             61            4' Flute                 61
         IV-VI  Mixtur               324        2 2/3' Nazard                61
           III  Scharf               183            2' Octavin               61
            16' Fagotto               61           IV  Plein Jeu            244
             8' Trumpet               61           16' Bombarde              61
                Chimes                25 tubes      8' Trompette             61
                                                    8' Hautbois              61
                CHOIR ORGAN                         8' Voix Humaine          61 *
            16' Gamba                 61            4' Clairon               61
             8' Viola                 61               Tremulant
             8' Concert Flute         61               * from Op. 667, added 1963
             8' Kleinerzähler II     122
             4' Flauto Traverso       61               PEDAL ORGAN
             2' Piccolo               61           32' Soubasse              32
             8' Clarinet              61           32' Violone               32
                Tremulant                          16' Principal             32
             8' Trompette en Chamade  61           16' Bourdon               12
             8' Harp (TC)             --           16' Violone               12
             4' Celesta               61 bars      16' Quintaten             PO
                                                   16' Gamba                 CH
                POSITIV ORGAN                      16' Lieblich              SW
            16' Quintaten             61            8' Principal             32
             8' Prinzipal             61            8' Cello                 12
             8' Nason Flute           61            8' Gedacktpommer         32
             4' Prinzipal             61            8' Still Gedackt         SW
             4' Nachthorn             61        5 1/3' Quint                 32
             2' Prinzipal             61            4' Choralbass            32
             2' Koppelflöte           61            4' Nachthorn             32
         1 1/3' Larigot               61            2' Blockflöte            32
             1' Sifflöte              61           IV  Mixtur               128
            II  Sesquialtera         122           II  Scharff               64
         IV-VI  Mixtur               324           32' Bombarde              32
             8' Cromorne              61           16' Posaune               12
             4' Rohrschalmei          61           16' Bombarde              SW
                Tremulant                          16' Fagotto               GT
                                                    8' Trompette             12
                                                    8' Cromorne              PO
                                                    4' Clairon               12
                                                    4' Rohrschalmei          PO
                                                       Chimes                GT

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: Replaced by Fisk Op. 116 in 2001 and moved to Truro Episcopal Church in Fairfax, Virginia, by Goulding & Wood in 2000. Apparently, the Virginia church seceded from the Episcopal Church and all their property became the property of their former diocese, which was left with 230-A in storage with Goulding & Wood. The organ was purchased by the Sedona Conservatory and moved there by the OCH in November 2015, where it will share quarters with the famed Estey from Claremont College. They will be restored independently and, in addition to their own rebuilt individual consoles, will be able to be played by a new 5-manual master console. What a project!

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=22308