Greensburg, Pennsylvania

First Presbyterian Church

Ernest M. Skinner organ, Op. 200 (1917) in First Presbyterian Church (Greensburg, PA)
Builder:        The Ernest M. Skinner Co.
   Year:        1917
   Opus:        200
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      47
No. ranks:      34
No. pipes:      2,624
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon             17 PED          16' Bourdon             73
             8' Diapason Principal  61               8' Open Diapason       73
             8' Second Diapason     61               8' Stopped Diapason    73
             8' Gross Flute         61               8' Clarabella          73
             8' Erzähler            61               8' Salicional          73
             8' Philomela          PED               8' Vox Celeste II     146
             4' Octave              61               8' Aeoline             73
             4' Harmonic Flute      61               4' Gambette            73
            16' Ophicleide          SO               4' Harmonic Flute      73
             8' Tuba                SO             III  Solo Mixture       183
             4' Clarion             SO              16' English Horn        73
                Chimes              EC               8' Cornopean           73
             8' Celesta Sub         CH               8' Oboe                73
             4' Celesta             CH               8' Vox Humana          73
                CHOIR ORGAN
            16' Gamba               73                  PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Diapason            73              32' Resultant           --
             8' Concert Flute       73              16' Open Diapason       32
             8' Dulciana            73              16' Bourdon             32
             4' Chimney Flute       73              16' Contra Gamba        CH
             8' French Horn (10")   73              16' Gedackt             SW
             8' Clarinet            73               8' Major Flute         12
                Tremolo                              8' Flute Dolce         12
             8' Celesta Sub (TC)    --               8' Viol                12
             4' Celesta             61 bars         16' Ophicleide          SO
                                                    16' English Horn        SW
                SOLO ORGAN (10" wind)                8' Tuba                SO
            16' Ophicleide          61
             8' Tuba                12
             4' Clarion             12
             8' French Horn         73

Source: The Diapason, July 1918

Photo Source: OHS Archives via Jonathan Bowen

Notes: "Gordon Balch Nevin the organist and composer, has been appointed organist for the First Presbyterian Church of Greensburg, Pa., and his first pleasant duty in connection with his service there was to play the opening recital on the new organ built for this church by the Ernest M. Skinner Company. Mr. Nevin, who formerly played at Johnstown, Pa., and later at Cleveland, has been for some time connected with the Skinner company, but has decided to return to his first love – that of playing the organ.

"The Greensburg church is a new edifice erected at a cost of $300,000 and the organ is a four-manual of fifty-five speaking stops. It is a divided instrument and has two imposing carved cases. The organ with the cases represents an outlay of $20,000. Mr. Nevin writes that the organ has the best eighty-five note solo reed he has ever heard."

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