Scranton, Pennsylvania

Mount St. Mary's Seminary

Mount St. Mary's Seminary (Scranton, PA)
Builder:        The Ernest M. Skinner Co.
   Year:        1910
   Opus:        181
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      30
No. ranks:      18
No. pipes:      1,272
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Bourdon             19 PED          16' Bourdon             61
             8' First Diapason      61               8' Diapason            61
             8' Second Diapason     61               8' Gedackt             61
             8' Wald Flute          61               8' Salicional          61
             8' Gamba               CH               8' Voix Celestes       61
             4' Flute               SW               8' Unda Maris II      110
                                                     4' Flute               61
                CHOIR ORGAN                          8' Cornopean           61
            16' Gamba               61               8' Vox Humana          61
             8' Gamba               12
             8' Concert Flute       61                  PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Quintadena          61              16' Diapason            30
             8' Gedackt             SW              16' Bourdon             30
             4' Violin              12              16' Bourdon             SW
             4' Flute               SW              16' Gamba               CH
             8' Vox Humana          SW               8' Octave              12
                                                     8' Gedackt             12
                                                     8' Cello               CH

Source: OHS Archives, via Jonathan Bowen

Notes: The chapel and organ were destroyed by fire ca. 1970.

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