Holyoke, Massachusetts

Second Congregational Church – Skinner Memorial Chapel

Skinner Organ, Opus 179 (1910) in Second Congregation Church - Skinner Chapel (Holyoke, MA)
Builder:        Skinner Organ Company
   Year:        1910
   Opus:        179
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      27
No. ranks:      23
No. pipes:      1,360


Since the original stop list is not currently available, following is the stop list of the organ after rebuild and enlarging to 34 ranks by Messrs. Czelusniak et Dugal, Inc., in 1992.

             GREAT ORGAN (3 3/4" wind)               SWELL ORGAN (5" wind)
         16' Bourdon             61               8' Geigen Principal    61
          8' Diapason            61               8' Gedeckt             61
          8' Wald Flute          61               8' Gamba               61
          4' Octave              61               8' Gamba Celeste       61
          2' Super Octave        61               8' Flauto Dolce        61
     III-IV  Fourniture         220               8' Flute Celeste (TC)  49
          8' Trumpet             SW               4' Geigen Octave       61
             Chimes              25 tubes         4' Flute Harmonique    61
                                                  2' Fifteenth           61
             CHOIR ORGAN (5" wind)            III-V  Plein Jeu          263
          8' Bourdon             61               8' Trumpet             61
          8' Salicional          61               8' Flügel Horn         61
          8' Voix Celeste        61                  Tremulant
          4' Spitz Flute         61
          2' Flageolet           61                  PEDAL ORGAN (5" wind)
          8' English Horn        61              16' Subbass             30
          8' Clarinet            61              16' Bourdon             GT
             Tremulant                            8' Diapason            30
             Chimes              GT               8' Gedeckt             12
                                                  4' Octave              12
                                                 16' Trombone (ext SW)   12

Photo Source: Nicholas Russotto