New York, NY
Church of the Incarnation, Episcopal

Builder:		Ernest M. Skinner Company
  Year:			1905
  Opus:			133
No. manuals:		4
No. stops:		80
No. ranks:		84


The contract was for a console for the existing 1896 Hutchings-Votey, which was, in turn, a rebuild of the 1882 Roosevelt west organ.  Lynnwood Farnam says that Skinner enlarged the organ in 1901 and again in 1907, at which time they added the new console.   Perhaps the 1901 Skinner work was a new Chancel organ - the Swell stoplist certainly looks like Skinner.
Gallery Great
	16'	Double Open Diapason
	8'	1st Diapason
	8'	2nd Diapason
	8'	Doppel Flute
	8'	Gross Flute			(bottom 12 common with Doppel Flute)
	8'	Gamba
	4'	Octave
	4'	Gambette
	4'	Flute
	2 2/3'	Twelfth
	2'	Fifteenth
	III	Mixture
	8'	Trumpet
Chancel Great
	16'	Double Open Diapason
	8'	1st Diapason
	8'	2nd Diapason
	8'	Doppel Flute
	8'	Gamba
	8'	Dolce
	4'	Octave
	4'	Flute d'Amour
	2 2/3'	Twelfth
	2'	Fifteenth
	III	Mixture
	8'	Trumpet
Gallery Swell
	16'	Bourdon
	8'	Open Diapason
	8'	Stopped Diapason
	8'	Violin Diapason
	8'	Clarabella
	8'	Salicional
	8'	Dulciana
	4'	Octave
	4'	Hohl Flute
	4'	Salicet
	2'	Flageolet
	V	Cornet				(Farnam says 3, 4 and 5 ranks)
	16'	Contra Fagotto
	8'	Cornopean
	8'	Oboe
	8'	Vox Humana
Chancel Swell
	16'	Bourdon
	8'	Diapason
	8'	Gedackt
	8'	Salicional
	8'	Voix Celestes
	8'	Aeoline
	4'	Octave
	4'	Violina
	4'	Flute
	2'	Flageolet
	III	Cornet
	8'	Cornopean
	8'	Oboe
Choir (Gallery)
	8'	Geigen Principal
	8'	Rohr Flute
	8'	Concert Flute
	8'	Quintadena
	8'	Dulciana
	8'	Voix Celestes			("undulates with Dulciana")
	4'	Fugara
	4'	Flute
	2'	Piccolo Harmonique
	8'	Clarinet
Solo (gallery, prepared for)
	4	blank stops
Gallery Pedal (30 notes)
	16'	Open Diapason			(wood)
	16'	Bourdon
	16'	Dulciana
	16'	Lieblich Gedackt	SW
	10 2/3'	Quinte
	8'	Violoncello
	8'	Flute (open)
	16'	Trombone
Chancel Pedal (30 notes)
	16'	Diapason			(wood)
	16'	Bourdon
	16'	Gedackt SW
	8'	Violoncello
SourceLynnwood Farnam Collection, Curtis Institute of Music, via Jonathan Bowen.

Mr. Farnam's CommentsPlayed September 29, 1909, 3:30pm;  "This organ is sort of a freak.  The number of mechanical accessories are more a hindrance rather than a help.  Bad robbing of some parts of the gallery organ; chancel organ nice, and so are many of the soft stops in gallery organ, though lots of duplication of tone quality.  Very dead church for sound, otherwise beautiful church, this.  The Chancel Great (excepting 16' and 8' Open Diapasons) are enclosed in Chancel Swell box.  I do not like having the Great 4' Octave in the Swell, and would rather not have the 12th, 15th and mixture in the Swell.  Wretched idea, having every combination movement give a separate pedal organ combination.  Organ controlled by two rows of stop keys over Solo manual - top row gallery organ, bottom row couplers and chancel organ."

Aeolian-Skinner Archives