Ridgewood, New Jersey

Christ Episcopal Church

First Presbyterian Church (Ridgewood, NY)
Builder:        The Ernest M. Skinner Co.
   Year:        1905
   Opus:        129
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      28
No. ranks:      20
No. pipes:      1,156
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' First Diapason      61              16' Bourdon             61
             8' Second Diapason     61               8' Diapason            61
             8' Gross Floete        61               8' Gedeckt             61
             8' Erzähler            61               8' Salicional          61
             8' Gedeckt             SW               8' Voix Celeste        61
             8' Dulciana            SW               8' Dulciana            61
             4' Flute               SW               8' Unda Maris (TC)     49
             8' Cornopean           SW               4' Flute               61
                                                     8' Cornopean           61
                CHOIR ORGAN                          8' Oboe                61
             8' Melodia             61               8' Vox Humana          61
             4' Flute d'Amore       61                  Tremolo
             8' Clarinet            61
                Tremolo                                 PEDAL ORGAN
                                                    16' Diapason            32
                                                    16' First Bourdon       32
                                                    16' Second Bourdon      SW
                                                     8' Floete              12
                                                     8' Cello (Sal + VCel)  SW

Source:  Jonathan Bowen

Photo Source: Jonathan Bowen

Notes: The organ was replaced by Austin Op. 2395 3/41 in 1962 and moved to Hillsborough Reformed Church, Millstone, NJ.  It was replaced there by Charles Ruggles Op. 22, a mechanical-action organ, in 1991.  It was then placed in storage until sold in 2006 to Jonathan Bowen, Philadelphia.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=19634