Charlottesville, Virginia

University of Virginia – Old Cabell Hall

Builder:        The Ernest M. Skinner Co.
   Year:        1906
   Opus:        127
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      35
No. ranks:      27
No. pipes:      1,585
                GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
            16' Diapason            61              16' Bourdon             61
             8' Diapason            61               8' Diapason            61
             8' Gross Floete        61               8' Gedackt             61
             8' Gamba               61               8' Salicional          61
             8' Gedackt             SW               8' Voix Celestes       61
             8' Erzähler            61               8' Dulciana            61
             4' Octave              61               4' Flute               61
             2' Fifteenth           61               4' Violin              61
             8' Cornopean           SW               2' Piccolo             61
                                                   III  Cornet             183
                CHOIR ORGAN (enclosed with SW)       8' Cornopean           61
             8' Geigen Principal    61               8' Oboe                61
             8' Melodia             61                  Tremolo
             8' Dulciana            SW
             8' Unda Maris (TC)     49                  PEDAL ORGAN
             4' Flute               SW              16' Diapason            30
             2' Piccolo             SW              16' First Bourdon       30
             8' Clarinet            61              16' Second Bourdon      SW
             8' Oboe                SW               8' Floete              12
                                                     8' Gedackt             SW
                                                     8' Cello *             SW
                                                     *  Salicional & Voix Celestes

Notes: The stop list was printed in The Life and Works of Ernest M. Skinner, by Dorothy J. Holden and printed and available thru the Organ Historical Society. Further clarification provided by Allen Kinzey.

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