Kingston, New York

First Dutch Reformed Church

Builder:         Ernest M. Skinner Co.
   Year:         1903
   Opus:         111

No. manuals:     2
No. stops:       30
No. ranks:       31
No. pipes:       1,810        


           GREAT ORGAN                              SWELL ORGAN
       16' Double Open Diapason  61             16' Bourdon               61
        8' Open Diapason         61              8' Open Diapason         61
        8' Melodia               61              8' Stopped Diapason      61
        8' Gamba                 61              8' Quintadena            61
        8' Dulciana              61              8' Salicional            61
        4' Principal             61              8' Voix Celestes         61
        4' Flute                 61              4' Principal             61
    2 2/3' Twelfth               61              4' Flauto Traverso       61
        2' Fifteenth             61              4' Violina               61
      III  Mixture              183            III  Cornet               183
        8' Trumpet               61              8' Cornopean             61
                                                 8' Oboe                  61
           PEDAL ORGAN                              Tremolo
       16' Open Diapason         30
       16' Bourdon               30
       16' Second Bourdon        SW
        8' Violoncello           30
        8' Flute                 12
        8' Gedackt               SW


Source: The Life and Work of Ernest M. Skinner, by Dorothy J. Holden and available thru the Organ Historical Society. Her source was "Boston Builders' Contracts, THE MUSIC TRADES, 31 January 1903," furnished by E. A. Boadway.  This source established the contract date as having occurred January 1903.

Organ Historical Society Database: