Wilkes-Barre, PA
First Methodist Church

Builder:		Ernest M. Skinner & Son Organ Co.
  Year:			1941
No. manuals:		4
No. stops:		63


The contract was for the rebuilding, with additions, of Austin Op. 589 (1914), which was, in turn, a rebuild of a Farrand & Votey; a new console was also provided. 
	16'	Diapason
	8'	Diapason I
	8'	Diapason II
	8'	Principal Flute
	8'	Erzähler
	8'	Clarabella		ANT
	8'	Gedeckt			ANT
	8'	Flute Celeste		ANT
	8'	Viole Aetheria		ANT
	8'	Vox Angelica		ANT
	4'	Octave
	4'	Hohl Flute
	4'	Fern Flute		ANT
	2'	Super Octave
	V	Mixture				(2')
	8'	Trumpet
	16'	Bourdon
	8'	Diapason
	8'	Gedeckt
	8'	Salicional
	8'	Voix Celeste
	8'	Flauto Dolce
	8'	Flute Celeste
	8'	Aeoline
	4'	Gemshorn
	4'	Harmonic Flute
	2'	Fifteenth			(Skinner chest)
	V	Mixture				(2', Skinner chest)
	8'	Cornopean
	8'	Corno d'Amour
	8'	Vox Humana
	8'	Geigen Diapason
	8'	Concert Flute
	8'	Kleiner Erzähler
	8'	Erzähler Celeste
	4'	Flute d'Amour
	2'	Piccolo
	8'	Clarinet
Antiphonal (built by Austin)
	16'	Lieblich Gedeckt
	8'	English Diapason
	8'	Clarabella
	8'	Gedeckt
	8'	Flute Celeste
	8'	Viole Aetheria
	8'	Vox Angelica
	4'	Fern Flute
	8'	Tuba
	8'	French Horn
	8'	Musette
	8'	Vox Humana
	16'	Diapason I *
	16'	Diapason II *
	16'	Pedal Gedeckt *
	16'	Gemshorn
	16'	Bourdon			SW
	16'	Echo Lieblich		ANT
	8'	Octave *
	8'	Principal			(Gemshorn unit)
	8'	Flute *
	5 1/3'	Quint				(Gemshorn unit)
	V	Mixture **			(4', 3 1/5', 2 2/3', 2 2/7', 2')
	16'	Trombone **
		Blank ***
* Pedal stops on original 4-rank Farrand & Votey ventil chest
** Individual straight chests
*** The relay was prepared for a 16' Fagotto
Files of Cross-Savage Co., via Jonathan Bowen and visits to the organ by William Rybitski

Notes: The organ was a rebuild of a 1914 Austin rebuild of a Farrand & Votey.  The old F&V ventil windchests were reused, hence a straight Pedal division with no extensions or duplexing.  The Antiphonal organ was built by Austin.

Aeolian-Skinner Archives