Jackson, Mississippi

First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church (Jackson, MS)
Builder:        Ernest M. Skinner & Son Organ Co.
   Year:        1940
   Opus:        535
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      62
No. ranks:      61
No. pipes:      3,898


             GREAT ORGAN                             SWELL ORGAN
         16' Diapason             61             16' Bourdon              73
          8' First Diapason       61              8' Diapason             73
          8' Second Diapason      61              8' Gedeckt              73
          8' Principal Flute      61              8' Salicional           73
          8' Erzähler             61              8' Voix Celeste         73
          4' Octave               61              8' Flauto Dolce         73
          4' Flute                61              8' Flute Celeste (TC)   61
      2 2/3' Twelfth              61              4' Flute                73
          2' Fifteenth            61              4' Violina              73
         IV  Mixture             244              2' Fifteenth            61
          8' Trumpet              61             IV  Mixture             244
             Chimes               EC             16' Fagotto              73
                                                  8' Trumpet              73
             CHOIR ORGAN                          8' Cor d'Amour          73
         16' Gemshorn (unenc.)    22 PED          4' Clarion              73
          8' Diapason             73                 Tremolo
          8' Concert Flute        73                 Harp                 CH
          8' Viola                73                 Celesta              CH
          8' Kleiner Erzähler II 134
          4' Gemshorn             73                 PEDAL ORGAN
      2 2/3' Nazard               61             16' Diapason (wood)      32
          2' Piccolo              61             16' Diapason (metal)     GT
          8' Trumpet              73             16' Gemshorn             32
          8' Clarinet             61             16' Echo Lieblich        SW
             Tremolo                              8' Octave (wood)        12
          8' Harp (TC)            --              8' Principal (Gemshorn) 12
          4' Celesta              61 bars         8' Still Gedeckt        SW
                                              5 1/3' Quinte (Gemshorn)     7
             SOLO ORGAN                          IV  Harmonics           128
          8' Flauto Mirabilis     73             32' Fagotto              12
          8' Gamba                73             16' Trombone             32
          8' Gamba Celeste        73             16' Fagotto              SW
          4' Orchestral Flute     73              8' Tromba               12
          8' Tuba Mirabilis       73              8' Fagotto              SW
          8' French Horn          73              4' Fagotto              SW
          8' English Horn         73                 Chimes               EC
             ECHO ORGAN
          8' Gedeckt              61
          8' Dolce Celeste II    110
          4' Flute                61
          8' Vox Humana           61
             Chimes               25 tubes

Source: The Diapason, February 1940

Photo Source: Bobby Ray, via Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc.

Notes: It would appear that the Pedal upperwork was omitted from the published stoplist.  One would assume that there was at least a 4' Flute and hopefully a 4' Octave.  The write-up said, "One of the features of the specification is the replacement of the usual Pedal 16' Bourdon with a Gemshorn to be used at 16, 8 and 5 1/3 ft pitches.  It is also to be used on the Choir as a double and is to be unenclosed.  The Echo celeste is expected to take the form of a small-scaled Quintadena celeste.  The organ will have a most favorable environment, the auditorium being reported to be perfect acoustically."

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=17961