Convention 2005

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Schedule at a Glance

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Performers and Presenters Include:

Robert Barney
Kevin Birch
George Bozeman
David Chalmers
Lisa Compton
Judith Conrad
Ray Cornils
Peter Crisafulli
Cheryl Drewes
Timothy Drewes
Frances Fitch
Andrew Galuska
Rev. Peter Gomes
Tom Guthrie

Will Headlee
Kim Hess
Richard Hill
Fred Jodry
Brian Jones
Philip Jones
Kevin Kissinger
Peter Krasinski
Christopher Marks
Lorenz Maycher
Marian Metson
Rosalind Mohnson
Thomas Murray
Joe O'Donnell
Barbara Owen
Sharon Rose Pfiefer
Lois Regestein
Joyce P. Rice
Sine Nomine Singers
Timothy Smith
Mark Steinbach
Bruce Stevens
Peter Sykes
Dwight Thomas
Renea Waligora
Stephen Young